| - Francis Cutting (1550 circa – 1595 o 1596) è stato un liutista e compositore inglese del Rinascimento. (it)
- Francis Cutting (c.1550–1595/6) was an English lutenist and composer of the Renaissance period. He is best known for "Packington's Pound" and a variation of "Greensleeves" called "Divisions on Greensleeves", both pieces originally intended for the lute. (en)
- Francis Cutting (vers 1550–1595/6) est un compositeur et luthiste anglais de la Renaissance. Il est surtout connu pour Packington's Pound ainsi que pour une variation de Greensleeves appelée Divisions on Greensleeves, deux pièces conçues à l'origine pour le luth. (fr)
- Фрэнсис Каттинг (ок.1550-1595/6) — лютнист и композитор Елизаветинской Англии. Среди прочих сочинений ему принадлежит одна из версий песни «Greensleeves». Одиннадцать его произведений вошли в «Новую книгу табулатуры» Уильяма Барли (1596). Возможно, Каттинг первым сделал себе имя игрой на лютне, а не пением в церковном хоре или игрой на органе. Во всяком случае, Каттинг — один из первых лютнистов Англии, известных по имени. (ru)
has abstract
| - Francis Cutting (c.1550–1595/6) was an English lutenist and composer of the Renaissance period. He is best known for "Packington's Pound" and a variation of "Greensleeves" called "Divisions on Greensleeves", both pieces originally intended for the lute. Cutting was employed as a musician for the Howard family, which included Philip Howard, earl of Arundel. Little is known of the composer's early life, but he had ten children with his wife, Elizabeth, eight of whom appear in the parish registers of St. Clement Danes, Westminster, the parish in which Arundel House, the London residence of the Howards, was located. Cutting is among the earliest English lute composers whose names are known. Several of his forty surviving works appear in William Barley's A New Booke of Tabliture (1596); his compositions include "Sir Walter Raleigh's Galliard," "Sir Fulke Greville's Pavan," and "Mrs Anne Markham's Pavan and Galliard." "His surviving music is of high quality, comprising about 51 lute pieces, two bandora solos and one consort part for bandora: an output exceeded only by Dowland, Bacheler and Holborne." The diplomat William Trumbull compiled a manuscript anthology of lute music which includes works by the Bassano family and Francis Cutting. His son, Thomas Cutting, became a distinguished lutenist himself. He worked for Arbella Stuart. In March 1608 Anne of Denmark, Prince Henry, and the courtier John Elphinstone wrote to her at Sheffield to request that Thomas Cutting be sent to the queen's brother Christian IV of Denmark. Arbella reluctantly agreed. Thomas Cutting subsequently joined Prince Henry's household. (en)
- Francis Cutting (vers 1550–1595/6) est un compositeur et luthiste anglais de la Renaissance. Il est surtout connu pour Packington's Pound ainsi que pour une variation de Greensleeves appelée Divisions on Greensleeves, deux pièces conçues à l'origine pour le luth. Cutting était employé comme musicien par la famille Howard, qui comprenait Philip Howard, comte d'Arundel. Le début de sa vie est peu connu, en revanche nous savons qu'il a eu dix enfants avec sa femme Elizabeth (huit d'entre eux sont inscrits sur les registres de la paroisse , Westminster, la paroisse de la , la résidence londonienne des Howards). L'un de leurs enfants, Thomas Cutting, est d'ailleurs devenu également un luthiste distingué. Cutting figure parmi les premiers compositeurs anglais dont on ait la trace. Plusieurs de ses compositions (dont "Sir Walter Raleigh's Galliard", "Sir Fulke Greville's Pavan" et "Mrs Anne Markham's Pavan and Galliard") apparaissent dans le A New Booke of Tabliture de William Barley (1596). La musique qui nous est parvenue est de grande qualité, et contient 51 pièces pour luth et trois compositions pour bandora : une production seulement dépassée par Dowland, Bacheler et Holborne. (fr)
- Francis Cutting (1550 circa – 1595 o 1596) è stato un liutista e compositore inglese del Rinascimento. (it)
- Фрэнсис Каттинг (ок.1550-1595/6) — лютнист и композитор Елизаветинской Англии. Среди прочих сочинений ему принадлежит одна из версий песни «Greensleeves». Одиннадцать его произведений вошли в «Новую книгу табулатуры» Уильяма Барли (1596). Возможно, Каттинг первым сделал себе имя игрой на лютне, а не пением в церковном хоре или игрой на органе. Во всяком случае, Каттинг — один из первых лютнистов Англии, известных по имени. О жизни композитора мало известно. Каттинг служил музыкантом феодалам из рода Говардов. В браке с Елизаветой имел 10 детей, среди которых Томас Каттинг также стал заметным лютнистом. (ru)