| - Gerald Ames, nato Percy Gerald Ames (Blackheath, 12 settembre 1880 – Londra, 2 luglio 1933), è stato un attore, regista e schermidore inglese, nonché un pioniere del cinema muto britannico. Schermitore di valore, rappresentò nel 1912 il Regno Unito alle Olimpiadi di Stoccolma nella . Era sposato all'attrice . (it)
- Gerald Ames (12 de setembro de 1880 – 2 de julho de 1933) foi um ator britânico, diretor de cinema e esgrimista olímpico. Ele atuou em mais de sessenta filmes entre 1914 e 1928, em uma carreira inteiramente englobando a era do cinema mudo. Foi casado com a atriz Mary Dibley. Ele competiu no individual no evento de espada nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 1912. (pt)
- Gerald Ames (ur. 12 września 1880 w Lewisham, zm. 2 lipca 1933 w Knightsbridge) – brytyjski szermierz, szpadzista. Członek brytyjskiej drużyny olimpijskiej w 1912 roku. (pl)
- Gerald Ames (12 September 1880 – 2 July 1933) was a British actor, film director and Olympic fencer. Ames was born in Blackheath, London in 1880 and first took up acting in 1905. He was a popular leading man in the post-First World War cinema, appearing in more than sixty films between his debut in 1914 and his retirement from the screen in 1928 in a career entirely encompassing the silent era. He was also a regular stage actor who took on many leading roles in the theatre. He competed in the individual épée event at the 1912 Summer Olympics. (en)