| - Giampietro Zanotti (* 3. Oktober 1674 in Paris; † 28. September 1765 in Bologna) war ein italienischer Maler, Radierer, Kunsthistoriker und Dichter. (de)
- Giampietro Zanotti (1674–1765) was an Italian painter and art historian of the late-Baroque or Rococo period. He studied painting in Bologna with Lorenzo Pasinelli. In the first decade of the 18th century, he became one of the founding members of the artists' academy in Bologna [1], known as the Accademia Clementina. Among his writings was a guide to young painters: Avvertimenti per l'incamminamento di un giovane alla pittura. He also wrote a biography about the painter and friend Giovanni Gioseffo Dal Sole[2]. Giampietro's brother, Francesco Maria Zanotti, was a philosopher in Bologna. His son Eustachio Zanotti was a noted astronomer and mathematician (1709–1782). Among his pupils was Ercole Lelli, best known for his anatomic studies in wax. (en)
- Giampietro Zanotti (né en 1674 à Paris et mort en 1765) est un peintre et poète italien du XVIIIe siècle, qui fut également un critique d'art. (fr)
- Giampietro Zanotti Cavazzoni (Parigi, 3 ottobre 1674 – Bologna, 28 settembre 1765) è stato un pittore, storico dell'arte e poeta italiano. (it)
- Джамп'єтро Дзанотті (італ. Giampietro Zanotti 1674, Париж — 1765, Болонья) — італійський художник доби рококо. Засновник Академії мистецтв Болоньї. (uk)
- Джампьетро Дзанотти (итал. Giampietro Zanotti; 1674, Париж — 1765, Болонья) — итальянский художник болонской школы, писатель и историк искусства периода позднего барокко и начала рококо. Основатель Академии Клементина в Болонье. (ru)