Gideon Gechtman (1942 – November 27, 2008) was an Israeli artist and sculptor. His art is most noted for holding a dialogue with death, often in relation with his own biography.
جدعون جيختمان (1942-27 نوفمبر 2008) فنان ونحات إسرائيلي . يشتهر فنه بإجراء حوار مع الموت ، غالبًا فيما يتعلق بعلاقته بسيرته الذاتية. (ar)
Gid'on Gechtman (hebrejsky גדעון גכטמן; 17. prosince 1942 Alexandrie – 27. listopadu 2008) byl izraelský umělec, fotograf a sochař. Jeho umění je nejznámější dialogem se smrtí, často v souvislosti s jeho vlastním životem. (cs)
Gideon Gechtman (1942 – November 27, 2008) was an Israeli artist and sculptor. His art is most noted for holding a dialogue with death, often in relation with his own biography. (en)