"Girls" is a song by English rock band the 1975, released as a single from their self-titled debut. A music video for "Girls" was released on 23 October 2013 and the song was released on 11 November.
"Girls" is a song by English rock band the 1975, released as a single from their self-titled debut. A music video for "Girls" was released on 23 October 2013 and the song was released on 11 November. (en)
‘Girls’는 잉글랜드의 록 밴드 The 1975의 노래이다. 밴드의 첫 정규 음반인 “The 1975”의 싱글로 발매되었다. 2013년 10월 23일 뮤직 비디오가 공개되었으며, 노래는 11월 11일에 나왔다. (ko)