| - Grimspound ist ein archäologischer Fundplatz in England und liegt in Devon im Dartmoor National Park auf einer Farm am Hügel „Hookney Tor“ nahe dem Dorf Widecombe-in-the-Moor. (de)
- Grimspound is a late Bronze Age settlement, situated on Dartmoor in Devon, England. It consists of a set of 24 hut circles surrounded by a low stone wall. The name was first recorded by the Reverend Richard Polwhele in 1797; it was probably derived from the Anglo-Saxon god of war, Grim (more commonly known as Woden, or Odin). In 1893 an archaeological dig was carried out by the Dartmoor Exploration Committee, which recorded many details of Grimspound as well as, controversially, making a reconstruction of the site. (en)
- Grimspound è un sito archeologico del parco nazionale del Dartmoor, nella contea inglese del Devon (Inghilterra sud-occidentale): si tratta dei resti di un villaggio dell'Età del Bronzo , formato da 24 casupole disposte a cerchio e che in origine dovevano essere state fornite di un tetto in paglia o in torba. Il sito fu sottoposto a scavi e ricostruito nel corso del XIX secolo dal Dartmoor Exploration Committee ed è di proprietà dell'English Heritage. (it)
- Grimspound est un site archéologique de la fin de l'Âge du bronze, situé à Dartmoor dans le Devon, présentant 24 huttes préhistoriques à soubassement en pierre entourées d'un muret en pierres. Le toponyme, mentionné pour la première fois par le R.P. en 1797, vient probablement du dieu de la guerre des Anglo-Saxons, Grim (avatar de Woden ou Odin). Grimspound, à 450 m au-dessus du niveau de la mer, occupe le vallon séparant de . Le village le plus proche, Widecombe in the Moor, est à quelques kilomètres au sud. (fr)