| - Die Heinkel HD 38 war ein deutsches Jagdflugzeug. HD steht für „Heinkel-Doppeldecker“. (de)
- The Heinkel HD 38 was a fighter aircraft developed in Germany in the late 1920s. It was a compact, single-bay biplane with staggered wings of unequal span, braced with N-type interplane struts, a refined version of the HD 37 that had been evaluated and rejected by the Reichswehr for use at the secret training facility at Lipetsk. The HD 38 was designed in the hope of capturing a different niche - that of a seaplane fighter, and was designed with a twin pontoon undercarriage that could be quickly removed and replaced with wheels. It was accepted in this role, but did not serve in it for long before being relegated to general training duties. Even then, it was not long before Germany abandoned the Lipetsk base to the Soviet Union. (en)
- L'Heinkel HD 38 fu un aereo da caccia monomotore biplano sviluppato dall'azienda aeronautica tedesca Ernst Heinkel Flugzeugwerke nei tardi anni venti. Modello derivato dal Heinkel HD 37, o TsKB I-7, prodotto per l'Unione Sovietica, costituì uno dei primi caccia in dotazione, pur non ufficialmente, alla ricostituenda aeronautica militare tedesca. (it)
- O Heinkel HD 38 foi um caça desenvolvido pela Heinkel, na Alemanha. Era um biplano, monomotor e cockpit aberto. Basicamente, era uma versão mais refinada do Heinkel HD 37. Foi recusado pela Reichwehr, durante a República de Weimar, para servir como aeronave de treino numa escola secreta de instrução de voo. (pt)
- Хейнкель HD 38 (нем. Heinkel Doppeldecker 38) — немецкий истребитель. Самолёт HD 38 был создан на базе HD 37 (И-7), имел двигатель BMW VI 7,3Z мощностью 750 л. с. На HD 38 было изменено шасси, а также предусмотрено корабельное базирование. Первый полёт совершил 7 мая 1929 года. Летные испытания закончились в 1931 в секретной лётной школе в Липецке, после чего была закуплена партия из 12 машин. Снят с вооружения в 1934 году и передан в немецкую лётную школу. (ru)