| - هيراباي تاتا (1879-1941)، ناشطة هندية في مجال حقوق المرأة، تزوجت في عام 1895، وكان زوجها تقدميًا وداعمًا لحق زوجته وابنته في التعليم. في عام 1911، التقت تاتا بصوفيا دوليب سينغ، بريطانية من أصول هندية مناصرة لحقوق المرأة، والتي أثرت لاحقًا عليها باعتبارها مناصرة لحق المرأة في الاقتراع. بصفتها عضوًا مؤسسًا لجمعية النساء الهنديات، أصبحت واحدة من النساء اللواتي تقدمن بطلب التماس للحصول على حق التصويت قبل إصلاحات مونتاغو-تشيلمسفورد في عام 1917. (ar)
- Herabai Tata (1879–1941) was an Indian women's rights activist and suffragist. Married in 1895, Tata's husband was progressive and supported the education of his wife and daughter, hiring tutors to help her with her schooling. In 1909, Tata, who was Parsi, developed an interest in Theosophy and within a few years made the acquaintance of Annie Besant. Around the same time, in 1911, she met Sophia Duleep Singh, a British suffragist with Indian heritage, who influenced her development as a suffragist. A founding member and the general secretary of the Women's Indian Association, she became one of the women who petitioned for enfranchisement before the Montagu-Chelmsford investigation in 1917. (en)
- Herabai Tata (Bombaim, 1879 – 1941) foi uma ativista pelos direitos das mulheres e sufragista indiana. Em 1909 Tata, que era de origem pársi, desenvolveu um interesse pela Teosofia e em poucos anos conheceu Annie Wood Besant. Por volta da mesma época, em 1911, ela conheceu , sufragista britânica de origem indiana que influenciou seu desenvolvimento como sufragista. Fundadora e secretária geral da Associação Feminina Indiana, Tata tornou-se uma das mulheres que pediram pela emancipação antes das reformas Montagu-Chelmsford do governo em 1917. (pt)