has abstract
| - In baseball statistics, hits per nine innings (denoted by H/9) is the average number of hits allowed by a pitcher in a nine inning period; calculated as: (hits allowed x 9) / innings pitched. This is a measure of a pitcher's success based on the number of all outs he records. Compared to a pitcher's batting average against, a pitcher's H/9 benefits from sacrifice bunts, double plays, runners caught stealing, and outfield assist, but it is hurt by some errors. Unlike batting average against, a pitcher's H/9 benefits from outs that are not related to official at bats, as they are recorded on runners after they have reached base. As of February 2022, Nolan Ryan is the career leader (6.5553), Sandy Koufax is #2 (6.7916), Clayton Kershaw is #3 (6.8160). (en)
- 被安打率、每九局被安打數(H/9IP或H/9,Hits per nine innings(英文)) 是一種棒球術語,指投手每九局平均被打出的安打數。此數值越低,代表此投手越不容易讓打者擊出安打。雖然不容易被擊出安打不能代表此投手就容易幫助球隊贏得比賽,因為還有保送或等等因素,但由於在棒球比賽中利用安打得分是一種常見的得分方式,凸顯此數據有一定的重要性。
* H:安打
* IP:投球局數 (zh)