Hong Kong Volunteer Company (Chinese: 香港志願連) was a company of British-Chinese soldiers that escaped Japanese occupied Hong Kong, and served with the British in India and Burma during the Burma Campaign of World War II.
Hong Kong Volunteer Company (Chinese: 香港志願連) was a company of British-Chinese soldiers that escaped Japanese occupied Hong Kong, and served with the British in India and Burma during the Burma Campaign of World War II. (en)
香港志願連(英語:Hong Kong Volunteer Company)是太平洋戰爭期間在東南亞作戰的一個香港步兵連,連隊的成員主要來自香港保衛戰守軍戰敗後,成功逃離香港的華籍英兵。連隊於1943年被派遣到英屬印度協助英軍對入侵英屬緬甸的日軍發起反攻,並於1944年跟隨組成(Chindits)的(77th Indian Infantry Brigade)參與緬甸戰役,英國東南亞總司令部其後還調派連隊的成員到當時仍被日本佔領的英屬馬來亞從事敵後作戰及偵察任務。 (zh)
Hong Kong Volunteer Company (Chinese: 香港志願連) was a company of British-Chinese soldiers that escaped Japanese occupied Hong Kong, and served with the British in India and Burma during the Burma Campaign of World War II. (en)
香港志願連(英語:Hong Kong Volunteer Company)是太平洋戰爭期間在東南亞作戰的一個香港步兵連,連隊的成員主要來自香港保衛戰守軍戰敗後,成功逃離香港的華籍英兵。連隊於1943年被派遣到英屬印度協助英軍對入侵英屬緬甸的日軍發起反攻,並於1944年跟隨組成(Chindits)的(77th Indian Infantry Brigade)參與緬甸戰役,英國東南亞總司令部其後還調派連隊的成員到當時仍被日本佔領的英屬馬來亞從事敵後作戰及偵察任務。 (zh)