| - Hucbert (nascut vers 820 - † 864 o 866) fou un noble franc, fill de Bosó l'Antic (o Bosó el Vell) el primer Bosònida. Sa germana era Teutberga casada amb Lotari II de Lotaríngia, fill de Lotari I de la França Mitjana. (ca)
- Hucbert (graphie française : Hubert), (vers 820 - † 864 ou 866) est un noble franc, appartenant à la dynastie des Bosonides. (fr)
- Uberto, noto come Uberto del Vallese, (820 – Orbe, dicembre 866) fu marchese della Borgogna Transgiurana e abate laico di San Maurizio d'Agauno e dell'abbazia di Lobbes. (it)
- Hugbert (of Hubert van Arles) (ca. 815 - 864/866) was in zijn tijd de belangrijkste edelman in het westen van Zwitserland en in de Provence. Zijn zuster Theutberga, was getrouwd met Lotharius II, een prins uit de Karolingische dynastie, de keizerlijke familie van het rijk der Franken. Hugbert was lekenabt van de strategisch gelegen abdij van Sint-Mauritius, markgraaf van Arles en hertog van de Transjura (het gebied ten zuiden van de Jura). Hugbert was een trouwe bondgenoot van zijn zwager. (nl)
- Huberto de Arles (c. 830 - 864 ou 866) foi um nobre franco que viveu na França medieval, foi filho de Bosão de Valois "O Velho", tendo portanto origem na família e abade secular na . (pt)
- Хукбе́рт (Хугберт; фр. Hucbert; ок. 820—864/866) — граф Трансюранской Бургундии, монастыря Святого Маврикия в Вале. (ru)
- Ο Χούκμπερτ (Hucbert· σημερινή γαλλική γραφή: Hubert· 820 - 864) ήταν Φράγκος ευγενής, μέλος του Οίκου των Μποζονιδών, γιος του Μπόζο του Πρεσβύτερου και αδελφός της Τευβέργας, η οποία ήταν σύζυγος του Καρολίδη βασιλιά Λοθαρίου Β΄ της Λοθαριγγίας. Ο Χούκμπερτ ήταν σε όλη την διάρκεια της ζωής του ηγούμενος στο αββαείο του Αγίου Μαυρικίου. Ο Χούκμπερτ ήταν πατέρας του Θεοβάλδου του Αρλ (854 - 895). (el)
- Hugbert († 864 bei Orbe) aus der Familie der Bosoniden war ein Sohn des Grafen Boso von Arles und damit durch seine Schwester Theutberga der Schwager des Königs Lothar II. von Lothringen, und einer seiner wichtigsten Verbündeten, bis Lothar seine Ehefrau Theutberga 857 wegen Unzucht (unter anderem mit ihrem Bruder) vertrieb. Ludwig übertrug den Kampf gegen den aufständischen Hugbert dem Welfen Konrad II. von Auxerre, dem Hugbert 864 unterlag. Zwei Jahre später wurde Konrad als Nachfolger Hugberts mit dem Titel eines Markgrafen eingesetzt. Hugbert hatte einen Sohn, Theotbald von Arles. (de)
- Hucbert (c. 820 – 864) was a Frank and son of the count Boso the Elder. Therefore, he was a Bosonid, and the namesake for the Huberterian branch of the family. His rise to power commenced under Lothair I but continued under Lothair II, reaching its apex when his sister Theutberga married Lothair II, a prince of the Carolingian dynasty, the imperial family of Francia. Hucbert also served as the lay-abbot of the Abbey of Saint Maurice-in-Valais. This gave him control over the Mons Iovis pass, the main route between Francia and Italy. Hucbert later gained power in the region of Transjurane Burgundy (859) which is what helped him later to find safety within the kingdom of Charles the Bald. (en)
- Hucbert (wafat pada tahun 864) merupakan seorang tokoh dari Franka dan putra Boso yang Lebih Tua. Ia adalah anggota keluarga Wangsa Bosonid. Saudarinya adalah Teutberga, yang menikahi Lothair II dari Lorraine, seorang pangeran dari Wangsa , keluarga kerajaan di Francia. Hucbert adalah kepala biarawan di . (in)
has abstract
| - Hucbert (nascut vers 820 - † 864 o 866) fou un noble franc, fill de Bosó l'Antic (o Bosó el Vell) el primer Bosònida. Sa germana era Teutberga casada amb Lotari II de Lotaríngia, fill de Lotari I de la França Mitjana. (ca)
- Ο Χούκμπερτ (Hucbert· σημερινή γαλλική γραφή: Hubert· 820 - 864) ήταν Φράγκος ευγενής, μέλος του Οίκου των Μποζονιδών, γιος του Μπόζο του Πρεσβύτερου και αδελφός της Τευβέργας, η οποία ήταν σύζυγος του Καρολίδη βασιλιά Λοθαρίου Β΄ της Λοθαριγγίας. Ο Χούκμπερτ ήταν σε όλη την διάρκεια της ζωής του ηγούμενος στο αββαείο του Αγίου Μαυρικίου. Οι προσπάθειες του γαμπρού του Λοθάριου επικεντρώθηκαν στο διαζύγιο του με την σύζυγο του Τευτβέργα. Για να πετύχει τον σκοπό του ζήτησε την υποστήριξη των θείων του Λουδοβίκου του Γερμανικού και Καρόλου του Φαλακρού. Ο Χάκμπερτ αντέδρασε σκληρά και προχώρησε σε ένοπλες ενέργειες προκειμένου να υποστηρίξει την αδελφή του. Ο Χούκμπερτ ήταν πατέρας του Θεοβάλδου του Αρλ (854 - 895). (el)
- Hugbert († 864 bei Orbe) aus der Familie der Bosoniden war ein Sohn des Grafen Boso von Arles und damit durch seine Schwester Theutberga der Schwager des Königs Lothar II. von Lothringen, und einer seiner wichtigsten Verbündeten, bis Lothar seine Ehefrau Theutberga 857 wegen Unzucht (unter anderem mit ihrem Bruder) vertrieb. Hugbert war Laienabt von Saint-Maurice im Wallis und Herzog von Transjuranien, und hatte damit den nördlichen Zugang auf den Alpenpass am Grossen St. Bernhard unter seiner Kontrolle. Nachdem Lothar Teutberga verstoßen hatte, erhob er sich gegen Lothar, wechselte die Seiten und schloss sich Karl dem Kahlen an. Als Lothar dann 859 das Land um Genf, Lausanne und Sion an seinen Onkel Ludwig der Deutsche abtrat, wurde Hugberts Lage kritisch. Ludwig übertrug den Kampf gegen den aufständischen Hugbert dem Welfen Konrad II. von Auxerre, dem Hugbert 864 unterlag. Zwei Jahre später wurde Konrad als Nachfolger Hugberts mit dem Titel eines Markgrafen eingesetzt. Hugbert wurde 864 für kurze Zeit Laienabt des Klosters Lobbes, das er durch seinen maßlosen Lebenswandel und trotz seines baldigen Todes in eine langdauernde Krise führte. Hugbert hatte einen Sohn, Theotbald von Arles. (de)
- Hucbert (c. 820 – 864) was a Frank and son of the count Boso the Elder. Therefore, he was a Bosonid, and the namesake for the Huberterian branch of the family. His rise to power commenced under Lothair I but continued under Lothair II, reaching its apex when his sister Theutberga married Lothair II, a prince of the Carolingian dynasty, the imperial family of Francia. Hucbert also served as the lay-abbot of the Abbey of Saint Maurice-in-Valais. This gave him control over the Mons Iovis pass, the main route between Francia and Italy. Hucbert later gained power in the region of Transjurane Burgundy (859) which is what helped him later to find safety within the kingdom of Charles the Bald. The region beyond the Jura Mountains was granted by Lothair II to his brother Louis II in 859. This was the power base of Hucbert and Lothair had therefore removed Hucbert and his influence from his kingdom. Hucbert resisted Louis II's rule during 863–4, proving rebels with safe havens within the deep mountains passes under his control. Lothair had pursued the marriage with Theutberga in order to secure his weak southern border, as Hucbert had control of several key alpine passes, to protect from his brother Louis II. Following the 856 Treaty of Orbe, peace was formed between the brother Lothair II and Louis II meaning the alliance with Hucbert, and marriage with Theutberga, was no longer imperative. Lothair first tried to obtain a divorce in 858 via a trial by ordeal (scalding water); Theutberga's champion removed his hand from the water in front of an assembly of Lotharingian bishops 'uncooked'. The trial is believed to have been passed due to a faction supporting the queen and Hucbert, giving Hucbert incredible strength inside Lothair's court. Lothair was forced to take Hucbert's sister back, but he tried for divorce again in 860 accusing Theutberga of incest with Hucbert and even aborting their child. Theutberga confessed then fled to her brother in the neighbouring kingdom of West Francia. This meant Charles the Bald could block the two from entering Lotharingia for judgement, effectively slowing the process, also as the pair are under the protection of Charles the Bald. The divorce attempts ultimately failed thanks to the involvement of Pope Nicholas I and Lothair died still married to Theutberga. There are several main explanations for Lothair attempting to achieve a divorce from Theutberga, all given by Stone and West:
* The changing political significance of Theutberga's family, specifically Hucbert.
* Alternatively we can see Lothair as motivated against Hucbert whose political value had vanished following the Treaty of Orbe. This making Theutberga the unwanted legacy of an outdated alliance, and by 860 Hucbert had been considerably weakened politically with areas under his control removed from Lothair's kingdom. The lack of power is further supported due to the lack of resistance towards Lothair in 860, with Hucbert having fled to West Francia. Hucbert was killed in 864 by the 'sons of Conrad', meaning Conrad the Younger and Hugh, Duke of Alsace. It was recorded in the 10th century that Hucbert had raided the abbey of Lobbes in 864 and usurped the abbot's seat before dividing its holdings, just prior to his death. Hucbert was the father of Theobald of Arles (c. 854 – c. 895), who married Bertha, the daughter of Lothair II and his concubine Waldrada of Lotharingia. Theobald later supported Lothair's son Hugh during his insurgency; he is declared in the Annals of Fulda as 'the leader of Hugh's army'. (en)
- Hucbert (wafat pada tahun 864) merupakan seorang tokoh dari Franka dan putra Boso yang Lebih Tua. Ia adalah anggota keluarga Wangsa Bosonid. Saudarinya adalah Teutberga, yang menikahi Lothair II dari Lorraine, seorang pangeran dari Wangsa , keluarga kerajaan di Francia. Hucbert adalah kepala biarawan di . Pemerintahan Lothair dikepalai dengan berbagai upayanya bercerai dari istri pertamanya Theutberga, dan hubungannya dengan paman-pamannya Charles yang Botak dan yang dipengaruhi oleh hasratnya untuk mendapatkan dukungan mereka atas upaya ini. Lothair, yang berhasrat untuk bercerai didorong oleh rasa cintanya kepada seorang wanita yang bernama Waldrada, mengabaikan Theutberga, tetapi Hucbert mengangkat senjata atas namanya. (in)
- Hucbert (graphie française : Hubert), (vers 820 - † 864 ou 866) est un noble franc, appartenant à la dynastie des Bosonides. (fr)
- Uberto, noto come Uberto del Vallese, (820 – Orbe, dicembre 866) fu marchese della Borgogna Transgiurana e abate laico di San Maurizio d'Agauno e dell'abbazia di Lobbes. (it)
- Hugbert (of Hubert van Arles) (ca. 815 - 864/866) was in zijn tijd de belangrijkste edelman in het westen van Zwitserland en in de Provence. Zijn zuster Theutberga, was getrouwd met Lotharius II, een prins uit de Karolingische dynastie, de keizerlijke familie van het rijk der Franken. Hugbert was lekenabt van de strategisch gelegen abdij van Sint-Mauritius, markgraaf van Arles en hertog van de Transjura (het gebied ten zuiden van de Jura). Hugbert was een trouwe bondgenoot van zijn zwager. (nl)
- Huberto de Arles (c. 830 - 864 ou 866) foi um nobre franco que viveu na França medieval, foi filho de Bosão de Valois "O Velho", tendo portanto origem na família e abade secular na . (pt)
- Хукбе́рт (Хугберт; фр. Hucbert; ок. 820—864/866) — граф Трансюранской Бургундии, монастыря Святого Маврикия в Вале. (ru)