This is a list of articles in contemporary philosophy. * 1926 in philosophy * 1962 in philosophy * 20th-century philosophy * A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity * A New Refutation of Time * A. C. Grayling * A. P. Martinich * Abandonment (existentialism) * Abraham Edel * Abstract expressionism * Abstract labour and concrete labour * Accumulation by dispossession * Against His-Story, Against Leviathan * Alain Badiou * Alain de Benoist * Alain Etchegoyen * Alan Ross Anderson * Alan Soble * Alan Stout (philosopher) * Albert Camus * Albert Chernenko * Alberto Jori * Alberto Toscano * Albrecht Wellmer * Aldo Gargani * Alejandro Deustua * Alejandro Rozitchner * Alexander Bard * Alexandre Koyré * Alexandru Dragomir * Alexis Kagame *