In English criminal law, intention is one of the types of mens rea (Latin for "guilty mind") that, when accompanied by an actus reus (Latin for "guilty act"), constitutes a crime.
Intention (~ ‚Vorsatz‘) bildet im Strafrecht von England und Wales neben recklessness (~ ‚grobe Fahrlässigkeit‘/‚dolus eventualis‘) und negligence (~ ‚Fahrlässigkeit‘) eine der drei klassischen Formen der mens rea. (de)
In English criminal law, intention is one of the types of mens rea (Latin for "guilty mind") that, when accompanied by an actus reus (Latin for "guilty act"), constitutes a crime. (en)
Intention (~ ‚Vorsatz‘) bildet im Strafrecht von England und Wales neben recklessness (~ ‚grobe Fahrlässigkeit‘/‚dolus eventualis‘) und negligence (~ ‚Fahrlässigkeit‘) eine der drei klassischen Formen der mens rea. (de)
In English criminal law, intention is one of the types of mens rea (Latin for "guilty mind") that, when accompanied by an actus reus (Latin for "guilty act"), constitutes a crime. (en)