Jiang Gongfu (Chinese: 姜公輔, Vietnamese: Khương Công Phụ; 731–805) was a Chinese poet, politician, and Taoist monk during the Tang Dynasty who served as a chancellor during the reign of Emperor Dezong.
Jiang Gongfu (Chinese: 姜公輔, Vietnamese: Khương Công Phụ; 731–805) was a Chinese poet, politician, and Taoist monk during the Tang Dynasty who served as a chancellor during the reign of Emperor Dezong. (en)
姜公輔(越南语:Khương Công Phụ,730或731年-805年),字德文,中國唐代名儒及大臣,愛州(今越南清化,當時為唐朝屬地)人,具才智,考中進士入仕唐室,歷任翰林學士、拾遺等職,在783年(建中四年)的涇原兵變中協助唐德宗皇帝避難有功,升至諫議大夫及同中書門下平章事的宰輔職務。後因直諫,觸怒德宗皇帝而被貶,最終死於泉州。姜公輔享負文名,獲得中、越兩國人士尊崇,有《白雲照春海賦》、《對直言極諫策》等文章傳世。 (zh)
Jiang Gongfu (Chinese: 姜公輔, Vietnamese: Khương Công Phụ; 731–805) was a Chinese poet, politician, and Taoist monk during the Tang Dynasty who served as a chancellor during the reign of Emperor Dezong. (en)
姜公輔(越南语:Khương Công Phụ,730或731年-805年),字德文,中國唐代名儒及大臣,愛州(今越南清化,當時為唐朝屬地)人,具才智,考中進士入仕唐室,歷任翰林學士、拾遺等職,在783年(建中四年)的涇原兵變中協助唐德宗皇帝避難有功,升至諫議大夫及同中書門下平章事的宰輔職務。後因直諫,觸怒德宗皇帝而被貶,最終死於泉州。姜公輔享負文名,獲得中、越兩國人士尊崇,有《白雲照春海賦》、《對直言極諫策》等文章傳世。 (zh)