| - James Patrick Anderton, allgemein bekannt als Jim Anderton CNZM (* 21. Januar 1938 in Auckland; † 7. Januar 2018 in Christchurch), war ein neuseeländischer Politiker. Er war stellvertretender Premierminister unter der Labour Regierung von Helen Clark, Gründer von drei Parteien und zuletzt Parteivorsitzender der Jim Anderton’s Progressive, die exakt auf ihn zugeschnitten war. (de)
- James Patrick Anderton, toujours appelé Jim Anderton, né le 21 janvier 1938 à Auckland et mort le 7 janvier 2018 à Christchurch, est un homme d'État néo-zélandais, fondateur du Parti progressiste et vice-Premier ministre de 1999 à 2002. Il est l'une des figures les plus marquantes de la gauche de la vie politique néo-zélandaise à la fin du XXe siècle. (fr)
- ジム・アンダートン(James Patrick Anderton、1938年1月21日 - 2018年1月6日)は、ニュージーランドの政治家。革新党創設者。 (ja)
- 제임스 패트릭 앤더튼(James Patrick Anderton, 1938년 1월 21일 ~ 2018년 1월 7일)은 뉴질랜드의 정치인이자 뉴질랜드 진보당의 창립자이자 현 당수이다. 뉴질랜드 노동당 헬렌 클라크 정권에서 농림부장관과 수산부장관직을 역임하였다. (ko)
- Джим Андертон (Джеймс Патрик Андертон, урожденный Бирн; 21 января 1938 — 7 января 2018) — деятель левого и профсоюзного движения Новой Зеландии. Заместитель премьер-министра (1999—2002), председатель Лейбористской партии (1979—1984). (ru)
- James Patrick Anderton CNZM (born Byrne; 21 January 1938 – 7 January 2018) was a New Zealand politician who led a succession of left-wing parties after leaving the Labour Party in 1989. Anderton's political career began when he was elected to the Manukau City Council in 1965. After serving for five years as Labour Party president, Anderton successfully stood as the Labour candidate for Sydenham in Christchurch in 1984. However, he soon came into conflict with the party's leadership, and became an outspoken critic of the Fourth Labour Government's free-market reforms, called Rogernomics. In April 1989, believing that Labour was beyond change, Anderton resigned from the party. (en)