| - جون هيل هيويت (بالإنجليزية: John Hill Hewitt) هو صحفي وملحن وكاتب أغاني ومدرس ومؤلف وكاتب أمريكي، ولد في 11 يوليو 1801 في نيويورك في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 7 أكتوبر 1890 في بوسطن في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
- John Hill Hewitt (* 11. Juli 1801 in New York City; † 7. Oktober 1890 in Boston) war ein US-amerikanischer Komponist, Lyriker und Zeitungsverleger. (de)
- John Hill Hewitt, né le 11 juillet 1801 à New York et mort le 7 octobre 1890 à Baltimore dans le Maryland, est un auteur-compositeur, dramaturge et poète américain. Ses chansons sur le Sud, popularisées durant la Guerre de Sécession, lui ont valu les surnoms de Bard of the Stars and Bars et Bard of the Confederacy. (fr)
- John Hill Hewitt (Nova Iorque, 11 de julho de 1801 - Baltimore, 7 de outubro de 1890) foi um compositor, dramaturgo e poeta norte-americano. Ele é mais conhecido por suas canções sobre os sul-americanos, incluindo "A Minstrel's Return from the War", "A Soldier's Farewell", "The Stonewall Quickstep" e "Somebody's Darling". (pt)
- John Hill Hewitt (July 11, 1801, New York City — October 7, 1890, Baltimore) was an American composer, playwright, and poet. He is best known for his songs about the American South, including "A Minstrel's Return from the War", "The Soldier's Farewell", "The Stonewall Quickstep", and "Somebody's Darling". His output during the American Civil War earned him the epithets "Bard of the Stars and Bars" and "Bard of the Confederacy". (en)