| - جون ميلتون (بالإنجليزية: John Milton) هو محامي وسياسي أمريكي، ولد في 20 أبريل 1807 في مقاطعة جيفرسون في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 1 أبريل 1865 في ماريانا في الولايات المتحدة. حزبياً، نشط في الحزب الديمقراطي. وقد انتخب (7 أكتوبر 1861 – 1 أبريل 1865) وانتخب عضو مجلس نواب فلوريدا. (ar)
- John Milton (* 20. April 1807 im Jefferson County, Georgia; † 1. April 1865 in Marianna, Florida) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker und von 1861 bis 1865 der 5. Gouverneur von Florida. (de)
- John Milton (April 20, 1807 – April 1, 1865) was governor of Florida through most of the American Civil War. A lawyer who served in the Florida Legislature, he supported the secession of Florida from the Union and became governor in October 1861. In that post, he turned the state into a major supplier of food for the Confederacy. In his final message to the state legislature as the war was ending, he declared that death would be preferable to reunion with the North, and was found dead of gunshot soon after. He killed himself leaving his wife and numerous children including their toddler Jefferson Davis Milton behind. (en)
- John Milton (Louisville, 20 aprile 1807 – Marianna, 1º aprile 1865) è stato un avvocato e politico statunitense. Fu il quinto governatore della Florida. (it)
- John Milton, född 20 april 1807 i Jefferson County, Georgia, död genom självmord 1 april 1865 nära Marianna, Florida, var en amerikansk politiker. Han var guvernör i Florida från 1861 fram till sin död, medan Florida var en av Amerikas konfedererade stater. Milton gifte sig 1830 med Susan Cobb. Paret fick fyra barn. Hustrun Susan avled 1842 och Milton gifte om sig två år senare med Caroline Howze. Paret fick tio barn. Miltons grav finns på St. Luke's Episcopal Cemetery i Marianna. (sv)