| - Robert Kenneth Minogue (11 de setembre de 1930 - 28 de juny de 2013) va ser un teòric polític australià, professor emèrit de Ciències Polítiques i membre honorari de l'Escola d'Economia i Ciència Política de Londres. (ca)
- Kenneth Robert Minogue (* 11. September 1930 in Palmerston North, Neuseeland; † 28. Juni 2013 in Guayaquil, Ecuador) war ein politischer Philosoph und Professor an der London School of Economics. (de)
- Kenneth Robert Minogue (Septwmber 11, 1930 – June 28, 2013), also known as Ken Minogue, was an Australian academic and political theorist. Long residing in the United Kingdom, Minogue was a prominent part of the intellectual life of British conservatism. Associated for much of his career with the London School of Economics, where he was Professor of Political Science from 1984 to 1995, he was described as a central figure in a group of prominent conservative philosophers and commentators at the LSE that included Maurice Cranston, Elie Kedourie, and William Letwin. (en)
- Robert Kenneth Minogue (11 de septiembre de 1930 - 28 de junio de 2013) fue un teórico político conservador australiano, profesor emérito de Ciencias Políticas y miembro honorario de la Escuela de Economía y Ciencia Política de Londres. (es)