| - La Soufrière, también conocida como La Soufrière: esperando un desastre inevitable, es un cortometraje documental del año 1977 realizado por el director alemán Werner Herzog, quien visita junto a su equipo la isla Guadalupe en la que se prevé la inminente erupción de un volcán. (es)
- La Soufrière (La Soufrière - Warten auf eine unausweichliche Katastrophe) est un court métrage documentaire allemand réalisé par Werner Herzog, sorti en 1977. (fr)
- «Ла-Суфриер: Ожидание одной неизбежной катастрофы» (нем. La Soufrière – Warten auf eine unausweichliche Katastrophe) — документальный фильм режиссёра Вернера Херцога, снятый в 1977 году. Лента получила специальное упоминание на Краковском кинофестивале и премию Deutscher Filmpreis за лучший короткометражный фильм. (ru)
- La Soufrière – Warten auf eine unausweichliche Katastrophe ("La Soufrière – Waiting for an Inevitable Disaster") is a 1977 documentary film in which German director Werner Herzog visits an island on which a volcano is predicted to erupt. The pretext of this film was provided when Herzog "heard about the impending volcanic eruption, that the island of Guadeloupe had been evacuated and that one peasant had refused to leave, [he] knew [he] wanted to go talk to him and find out what kind of relationship towards death he had" (Cronin). Herzog explores the deserted streets of the towns on the island. The crew of three treks up to the caldera, where clouds of sulfurous steam and smoke drift like "harbingers of death" (Peucker), an example of the sublime Herzog seeks to conjure in his films. Herzo (en)
- La Soufrière (La Soufrière - Warten auf eine unausweichliche Katastrophe, lett. "La Soufrière – In attesa di una catastrofe inevitabile") è un documentario del 1977 diretto da Werner Herzog. Nel 1976, nell'imminenza di un'eruzione annunciata, l'isola di Guadalupa venne evacuata. Alla notizia che un contadino si rifiutava di lasciare l'isola nonostante il pericolo, Herzog partì con la sua troupe per comprendere meglio questa posizione e documentarla su pellicola. (it)