La Visa Loca is a 2005 Filipino comedy-drama film directed by Mark Meily, produced by Sharon Cuneta, and starring Robin Padilla, Rufa Mae Quinto and Johnny Delgado. The plot concerns a taxi driver who dreams of going to the United States.
La Visa Loca is a 2005 Filipino comedy-drama film directed by Mark Meily, produced by Sharon Cuneta, and starring Robin Padilla, Rufa Mae Quinto and Johnny Delgado. The plot concerns a taxi driver who dreams of going to the United States. (en)
La Visa Loca is a 2005 Filipino comedy-drama film directed by Mark Meily, produced by Sharon Cuneta, and starring Robin Padilla, Rufa Mae Quinto and Johnny Delgado. The plot concerns a taxi driver who dreams of going to the United States. (en)