Lilla Sipos (born 14 July 1992) is a Hungarian footballer, who plays as a striker for SKN St. Pölten in the ÖFB-Frauenliga. She is a member of the Hungarian national team.
Lilla Sipos (* 14. Juli 1992 in Mosonmagyaróvár) ist eine ungarische Fußballspielerin. (de)
Lilla Sipos (Mosonmagyaróvár, 14 de julio de 1992) es una futbolista húngara que juega como centrocampista en el Verona italiano. (es)
Lilla Sipos (born 14 July 1992) is a Hungarian footballer, who plays as a striker for SKN St. Pölten in the ÖFB-Frauenliga. She is a member of the Hungarian national team. (en)
Lilla Sipos (Mosonmagyaróvár, 14 luglio 1992) è una calciatrice ungherese, centrocampista dell' e attaccante della nazionale ungherese. (it)