Liu Cong (fl. 207–208) was a Chinese politician who lived during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. He was the younger son of Liu Biao, the Governor of Jing Province.
Liu Cong fou el segon fill del famós senyor de la guerra Liu Biao durant el període dels Tres Regnes de la Xina. (ca)
Liu Cong (fl. 207–208) was a Chinese politician who lived during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. He was the younger son of Liu Biao, the Governor of Jing Province. (en)
Liu Cong adalah seorang pejabat yang hidup pada masa akhir Dinasti Han. (in)
유종(劉琮, ? ~ ?)은 후한 말기의 관료로, 산양군 고평현(高平縣) 사람이다. 형주목 유표의 아들로, 유표 사후 형주를 넘겨받았으나 곧바로 조조에게 항복하였다. (ko)