Louis Mhlanga (born 10 November 1956) is a Zimbabwean artist based in South Africa, an award-winning guitarist and producer. Mhlanga taught himself to play the guitar at a young age and is considered one of the best Southern African guitarists.
Louis Mhlanga (né le 10 novembre 1956) est un guitariste, producteur et chanteur d'origine zimbabwéenne résidant en Afrique du Sud.Il est aujourd'hui considéré comme un important guitariste africains, capable de mêler dans son jeu les influences afro, jazz ou rock. (fr)
Louis Mhlanga (born 10 November 1956) is a Zimbabwean artist based in South Africa, an award-winning guitarist and producer. Mhlanga taught himself to play the guitar at a young age and is considered one of the best Southern African guitarists. (en)