Love Is Love is a 1990 Hong Kong romantic comedy film directed by Tony Leung Siu Hung and written by Tut-hei Tang and Kwong Kim Yip. The film stars Stephen Chow, Suki Kwan, and Sandra Ng. The film premiered in Hong Kong on 15 February 1990.
Love Is Love is a 1990 Hong Kong romantic comedy film directed by Tony Leung Siu Hung and written by Tut-hei Tang and Kwong Kim Yip. The film stars Stephen Chow, Suki Kwan, and Sandra Ng. The film premiered in Hong Kong on 15 February 1990. (en)
Love Is Love (望夫成龍, Mong foo sing lung) est une comédie romantique hongkongaise réalisée par Tommy Leung Ga-shu et sortie en 1990 à Hong Kong. Elle totalise 13 703 000 HK$ de recettes au box-office. (fr)
《望夫成龍》(英語:Love Is Love)為於1990年上映的香港劇情片,由梁家樹執導,周星驰和吳君如主演。本片是周星驰主演的第一部文艺片,而本片的票房远比当时其他的文艺片高。 (zh)
Love Is Love is a 1990 Hong Kong romantic comedy film directed by Tony Leung Siu Hung and written by Tut-hei Tang and Kwong Kim Yip. The film stars Stephen Chow, Suki Kwan, and Sandra Ng. The film premiered in Hong Kong on 15 February 1990. (en)
Love Is Love (望夫成龍, Mong foo sing lung) est une comédie romantique hongkongaise réalisée par Tommy Leung Ga-shu et sortie en 1990 à Hong Kong. Elle totalise 13 703 000 HK$ de recettes au box-office. (fr)
《望夫成龍》(英語:Love Is Love)為於1990年上映的香港劇情片,由梁家樹執導,周星驰和吳君如主演。本片是周星驰主演的第一部文艺片,而本片的票房远比当时其他的文艺片高。 (zh)