Ludwig Roth (June 10, 1909 – November 1, 1967) was the Aerospace engineer who was the head of the Peenemünde Future Projects Office which designed the Wasserfall and created advanced rockets designs such as the A9/A10 ICBM.
لودفيغ روث (بالألمانية: Ludwig Roth) هو مهندس فضاء جوي ومهندس ألماني، ولد في 10 يونيو 1909 في غروس-غيراو في ألمانيا، وتوفي في 10 نوفمبر 1967 في ريدوندو بيتش في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
Ludwig Roth (June 10, 1909 – November 1, 1967) was the Aerospace engineer who was the head of the Peenemünde Future Projects Office which designed the Wasserfall and created advanced rockets designs such as the A9/A10 ICBM. (en)
Ludwig Roth (Groß-Gerau, 10 de junho de 1909 – Redondo Beach, 10 de novembro de 1967) foi um engenheiro da Alemanha Nazista que atuou no desenvolvimento do míssil V-2, sendo líder do Escritório de Projetos Futuros em Peenemünde, que projetou o Wasserfall, o A-9 e o A-10. (pt)