| - Luo Yin (c. 833 – 910, courtesy name Zhaojian), born Luo Heng, was a poet of the late Tang and early Wuyue dynasties. Luo's poetry was widely read and cherished, but he was unsuccessful in life; having failed the imperial examination 10 times, he was penniless until the warlord and Wuyue founder Qian Liu gave him official posts in his hometown Hang Prefecture. Luo was said to be very ugly and arrogant. (en)
- 나은(羅隱, 833년 ~ 910년 1월 26일(음력 909년 12월 13일))은 중국 당나라 말기부터 오대십국 초기를 살았던 시인이다. 자(字)는 소간(昭諫)으로 여항(餘杭) 또는 신증(新登) 사람이라고도 한다. 본명은 횡(橫)이다. (ko)
- 罗隱(833年-910年1月26日),唐末五代十国文學家。字昭諫,號江東生,新登(即新城,今杭州富陽)人,本名橫,20歲應進士舉,十次不中,遂改名羅隱。 (zh)
- Ло Інь (羅隱, 833 —909) — китайський державний службовець та поет часів династії Тан. (uk)
- Luo Yin (chinesisch 羅隱 / 罗隐, Pinyin Luó Yìn; * 833 in Yuhang; † 909, eigtl. Luo Heng) war ein chinesischer Schriftsteller, der Essays und Lyrik verfasste. Luo Yin verfehlte mehrmals das Hauptstadtexamen und zog sich darauf hin in seine Heimat zurück. Luo Yin sammelte seine literarischen Werke ab 867 im Chanshu („Ehrenrührige Schriften“), von ihm sind fünf Fu-Gedichte erhalten und er diente als eine Art Hofschreiber am Hofe des . (de)