Maga-Tsuki (まがつき) is a shōnen manga series by Hoshino Taguchi, who got the idea for the story after visiting a shrine. The story follows Yasuke, who is about to confess his love to his childhood friend when he is cursed by accidentally breaking a mirror at his family's shrine. The curse causes him to be linked to the goddess of misfortune Orihime at all times or else he will die. He can only be revived by having her kiss him which among other things causes problems with his relationship with his childhood friend. Maga-Tsuki was first serialized in Monthly Shonen Sirius starting in April, 2011, and ran until February, 2017. The series was released in manga format in Japan that spanned thirteen volumes which were released by Kodansha. Outside of Japan, the manga was adapted into an English l
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