| - Marie-Isabelle d'Alcântara Bourbon, comtesse d'Iguaçu, est née à São Paulo, au Brésil, le 28 février 1830 et décédée dans la même ville, le 5 septembre 1896. C'est une fille légitimée de l'empereur Pierre Ier du Brésil et de sa maîtresse Domitila de Castro, marquise de Santos. (fr)
- マリア・イザベル・デ・アルカンタラ・ボルボン(Maria Isabel de Alcântara Bourbon, 1830年2月28日 - 1896年9月5日)は、帝政期ブラジルの女性。ブラジル皇帝ペドロ1世とその妾サントス侯爵夫人の間に生まれた4番目にして最後の非嫡出子。結婚に伴いイグアス伯爵夫人(Condessa de Iguaçu)となった。 (ja)
- Maria Isabel de Alcântara Bourbon (São Paulo, 28 de fevereiro de 1830 – São Paulo, 5 de setembro de 1896), foi a quinta e última filha do imperador Pedro I do Brasil com a sua amante, Domitila de Castro, Marquesa de Santos. Maria Isabel recebeu o mesmo nome que sua quarta e falecida irmã, a Duquesa do Ceará, morta com dois meses de vida em 1828, de homenagem a filha falecida. Sua irmã mais velha, Isabel Maria, era titulada como Duquesa de Goiás. (pt)
- Maria Isabel de Alcântara Bourbon (28 February 1830 – 5 September 1896) was the third daughter (fifth child) of emperor Pedro I of Brazil and his mistress, Domitila de Castro, Marchioness of Santos. Maria Isabel received the same name as her second sister, the Duchess of Ceará, who died in 1828 at only two months old. She was never given any titles by her father due to his marriage to Amélie of Leuchtenberg. Still, Pedro I acknowledged her as his daughter in his will but gave her no share of his state, except asking for his widow to aid in her education and upbringing. He had wished that she be given a good European education like her oldest sister, the Duchess of Goiás. However, the Marchioness declined to send the girl to Europe. (en)