has abstract
| - Un mashgia'h rou'hani (hébreu : משגיח רוחני « Spécialiste ès moral »), parfois appelé simplement mashgia'h, est un conseiller spirituel exerçant dans les académies talmudiques (yeshivot). Ce rôle est généralement assumé par un rabbin. Le concept du mashgia'h rou'hani naît dans les yeshivot « lituaniennes » adhérant au mouvement du Moussar, inspiré par Yisrael Lipkin Salanter. Celui-ci se montre en effet préoccupé par les nouvelles difficultés rencontrées par les étudiants dans le monde moderne (l’idée sera reprise dans le mouvement 'Habad, qui parle plus volontiers de mashpia, « dispensateur »). Le rôle du mashgia'h rou'hani est particulièrement important avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, où il doit, outre son rôle de conseiller académique, assurer le financement de la yeshiva, le recrutement et l’évaluation des nouveaux étudiants ainsi que la fourniture de personnel et de matériel. Après la Shoah, son influence et sa position diminuent, ces fonctions étant reprises par les directeurs d’académie. (fr)
- A mashgiach ruchani (Hebrew: משגיח רוחני; pl., mashgichim ruchani'im) or mashgicha ruchani – sometimes mashgiach/mashgicha for short – is a spiritual supervisor or guide. He or she is usually a rabbi who has an official position within a yeshiva and is responsible for the non-academic areas of yeshiva students' lives. The position of mashgiach/mashgicha ruchani arose with the establishment of the modern "Lithuanian-style" mussar yeshivas. The prototype of this new type of rabbinical leader and educator was Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel (1849-1927) known as the Alter (elder) of the Slabodka yeshiva, Yeshivas Knesses Yisrael (Slabodka), in Lithuania. The role of the mashgiach/mashgicha ruchani was strongest in the era prior to World War II, when often the mashgichim were responsible for maintaining the yeshiva financially, recruiting and interviewing new students, and hiring staff, something akin to academic deans. After the Holocaust, the influence and position of the mashgiach/mashgicha decreased, and the roles of the rosh yeshivas have grown at the expense of those of the mashgichim. A modern mashgiach/mashgicha is somewhat equivalent to the secular counselor position. The need for having mashgichim within the modern yeshivas was tied in with the rise of the modern mussar movement (teaching of Jewish ethics), inspired by the 19th-century rabbi Yisrael Lipkin Salanter, and was seen as necessary because yeshiva students faced greater pressures and problems from the world outside their yeshiva studies. Some yeshivas may refer to a mashgiach/mashgicha ruchani as a menahel ruchani (the word menahel means 'principal', as in the principal of a school, or 'supervisor'.) Chabad yeshivas have a similar position referred to as mashpia, meaning a person who provides (spiritual) influence. (en)