"Members Only" is the 66th episode of the HBO series The Sopranos, and the first of the show's sixth season. Written by Terence Winter and directed by Tim Van Patten, it aired originally on March 12, 2006.
Mitglied auf Lebenszeit (Originaltitel: Members Only) ist die erste Episode der finalen, sechsten Staffel der HBO-Serie Die Sopranos, die am 12. März 2006 erstmals auf HBO in den Vereinigten Staaten ausgestrahlt wurde. (de)
"Sólo para socios" es el episodio número 66 de la serie de la HBO Los Soprano, y el primero de la sexta temporada. Escrito por Terence Winter y dirigido por Tim Van Patten, se emitió originalmente el 12 de marzo de 2006. (es)
"Members Only" is the 66th episode of the HBO series The Sopranos, and the first of the show's sixth season. Written by Terence Winter and directed by Tim Van Patten, it aired originally on March 12, 2006. (en)