Michael John Miles (1 June 1919 – 17 February 1971) was a New Zealand-born television presenter in Great Britain known for the game show Take Your Pick from 1955 to 1968, produced by Associated Rediffusion and later by Rediffusion London.
ميخائيل مايلز (بالإنجليزية: Michael Miles) هو مقدم تلفزيوني نيوزيلندي، ولد في 1 يونيو 1919 في ويلينغتون في نيوزيلندا، وتوفي في 17 فبراير 1971 في مالقة في إسبانيا. (ar)
Michael John Miles (1 June 1919 – 17 February 1971) was a New Zealand-born television presenter in Great Britain known for the game show Take Your Pick from 1955 to 1968, produced by Associated Rediffusion and later by Rediffusion London. (en)