| - Miguel Krassnoff Martchenko (born Mikhail Semyonovich Krasnov, Russian: Михаил Семёнович Краснов; born 15 February 1946) is a Chilean military official involved in the 1973 Chilean coup d'état against president Salvador Allende. He held several high-ranking positions in the Pinochet regime, including in the Chilean intelligence agency, DINA. As such, he was responsible for the interrogation, torture, and disappearance of political prisoners at the detention center, Villa Grimaldi. After Pinochet's demise, Krassnoff was convicted by Chilean courts of crimes against humanity. (en)
- Miguel Krassnoff Martchenko (Tirol, Austria; 15 de febrero de 1946) alias “El Ruso” es un exmilitar chileno, condenado por crímenes de lesa humanidad. Brigadier del Ejército de Chile, participó en el asalto a la casa presidencial de Tomás Moro durante el golpe de Estado de 1973 que derrocó al presidente electo democráticamente Salvador Allende y, posteriormente, en diversas misiones, como miembro designado de la policía secreta Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional (DINA) de la dictadura militar de Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990). (es)
- Михаил Семёнович Краснов (Мигель Красснофф-Марченко); род. 15 февраля 1946, Тироль, Австрия) — бригадир чилийской армии в отставке. Сподвижник Аугусто Пиночета, активный участник вооружённой смены власти в Чили 1973 года. (ru)