| - Moser Baer was an Indian multinational manufacturer of optical discs, storage devices, CDs, DVDs, based in New Delhi. The company was present in over 100 countries, serviced through 15 marketing offices and representatives, and had tie-ups with other optical media storage manufacturers. Its products were manufactured at its three plants in New Delhi, which employed over 8,000 people. The company had subsidiaries that manufactured photovoltaic cells and modules using crystalline silicon and thin film technologies. (en)
- Moser Baer India – drugi na świecie pod względem wielkości, indyjski producent nośników danych. Firma z powstała w 1983 r. z inicjatywy Deepaka Puriego. 75% zysków pochodzi z eksportowania swoich produktów na cały świat. Moser Baer produkuje nośniki pod wieloma znanymi markami, takimi jak: 3M, Ricoh, Sony, TDK oraz Verbatim. (pl)
- Moser Baer India war ein indischer Hersteller von Speichermedien und Solarzellen mit Konzernsitz in Neu-Delhi und Büros in Mumbai, Kolkata, und Bengaluru sowie in den Niederlanden, den USA, in Japan und im Nahen Osten. Die Produktionslinien befanden sich in Noida. Dort wurden unter anderem Disketten, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW und DVD-R hergestellt. Moser Baer war Mitglied der Blu-ray Disc Association. (de)
- Moser Baer, è il secondo produttore più grande al mondo di dischi ottici e fornisce i 12 marchi più importanti al mondo, tra cui Memorex, TDK e Verbatim. L'impresa è stata fondata a Nuova Delhi nel 1983. Il 75% del suo reddito proviene dalle esportazioni. I suoi prodotti includono floppy disk, CD, DVD e Blu-ray Disc (unica società non giapponese a produrne). Ha una presenza in oltre 83 paesi, ed uffici in India, Stati Uniti ed Europa. Le sue strutture di produzione si trovano a Noida nell'Uttar Pradesh in India. (it)