Mudda Mandaram is a 1981 Telugu-language drama film, written and directed by Jandhyala. It is the debut film for both the leading actors Poornima, It also stars Pradeep Kondiparthi, and Suthi Velu.
Mudda Mandaram is a 1981 Telugu-language drama film, written and directed by Jandhyala. It is the debut film for both the leading actors Poornima, It also stars Pradeep Kondiparthi, and Suthi Velu. (en)
Mudda Mandaram is a 1981 Telugu-language drama film, written and directed by Jandhyala. It is the debut film for both the leading actors Poornima, It also stars Pradeep Kondiparthi, and Suthi Velu. (en)