Nebwenenef was High Priest of Amun at the beginning of the reign of Ramesses II during the 19th Dynasty. Prior to that, Nebwenenef had served as High Priest of Anhur and High Priest of Hathor during the reign of Seti I and possibly even earlier.
Nebwenenef was High Priest of Amun at the beginning of the reign of Ramesses II during the 19th Dynasty. Prior to that, Nebwenenef had served as High Priest of Anhur and High Priest of Hathor during the reign of Seti I and possibly even earlier. (en)
Небуненеф (*XIV ст. до н. е. —бл. ) — давньоєгипетський політичний діяч XIX династії, верховний жрець Амона у Фівах напочатку володарювання Рамсеса II. (uk)
Nebwenenef was High Priest of Amun at the beginning of the reign of Ramesses II during the 19th Dynasty. Prior to that, Nebwenenef had served as High Priest of Anhur and High Priest of Hathor during the reign of Seti I and possibly even earlier. (en)
Небуненеф (*XIV ст. до н. е. —бл. ) — давньоєгипетський політичний діяч XIX династії, верховний жрець Амона у Фівах напочатку володарювання Рамсеса II. (uk)