The Northern Ireland Constitutional Convention (NICC) was an elected body set up in 1975 by the United Kingdom Labour government of Harold Wilson as an attempt to deal with constitutional issues surrounding the status of Northern Ireland.
La Convention constitutionnelle d'Irlande du Nord (en anglais : Northern Ireland Constitutional Convention, NICC) est un organe électif créé en 1975 par le gouvernement travailliste du Royaume-Uni de Harold Wilson pour tenter de régler les problèmes constitutionnels liés au statut de l'Irlande du Nord. (fr)
The Northern Ireland Constitutional Convention (NICC) was an elected body set up in 1975 by the United Kingdom Labour government of Harold Wilson as an attempt to deal with constitutional issues surrounding the status of Northern Ireland. (en)
La Convenzione costituzionale dell'Irlanda del Nord (in inglese: Northern Ireland Constitutional Convention, NICC) è stato un organo eletto istituito nel 1975 dal governo laburista del Regno Unito di Harold Wilson come tentativo per affrontare le questioni costituzionali relative allo status dell'Irlanda del Nord. (it)
Les eleccions generals d'Irlanda del Nord de 1975 tingueren com a objecte escollit la Convenció Constitucional que havia d'aprovar una nova constitució per a Irlanda del Nord, i es van celebrar l'1 de maig de 1975. (ca)