| - بندين (بالإنجليزية: Pendeen) هي قرية تقع في المملكة المتحدة في كورنوال. (ar)
- Pendeen, kornubieraz: Penn Din, baita Boskaswal Wartha bezala ezaguna ere, Ingalaterrako Kornualles konderriko herri eta eliz parrokia bat da. (eu)
- Pendeen est un village cornouaillais près de Trewellard et la ville de Penzance. Le village est dans la paroisse de St Just (St Just in Penwith(en)). On peut y observer des phoques. La mine d'étain de Geevor et le phare de Pendeen sont proches et l'église de Saint-Jean a été construite par les habitants vers 1851. Article détaillé : Phare de Pendeen. (fr)
- Pendeen (in lingua cornica: Penndin, Penn Din o anche Boskaswal Wartha) è un villaggio della costa atlantica della Cornovaglia, nel sud-ovest dell'Inghilterra. Dal punto di vista amministrativo, si tratta di una frazione della parrocchia civile di St Just-in-Penwith, nell'ex-distretto di Penwith. La località era un tempo un importante centro minerario per l'estrazione dello stagno e del rame. (it)
- Pendeen - wieś w Kornwalii nad Oceanem Atlantyckimw pobliżu Land’s End, oddalona 5 km od St Just i ok. 11 km od Penzance. We wsi znajduje się zabytkowa kopalnia cyny Geevor i latarnia morska, zbudowana w 1900 r. Jest siedzibą civil parish. (pl)
- Pendeen (from Cornish: Penn Din meaning "headland fort", previously known as Cornish: Boskaswal Wartha, meaning "Caswal's high dwelling") is a village and ecclesiastical parish on the Penwith peninsula in Cornwall, United Kingdom. It is 3 miles (5 kilometres) north-northeast of St Just and 7 mi (11 km) west of Penzance. It lies along the B3306 road which connects St Ives to Land's End and the A30 road. Pendeen is overlooked by a hill, Carn Eanes, referred to locally as 'The Carn', the site of a quarry which provided the granite to build Pendeen church. (en)