"Pie-O-My" is the 44th episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the fifth of the show's fourth season. Written by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, and directed by Henry J. Bronchtein, it originally aired on October 13, 2002.
"Pie-O-My" is the 44th episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the fifth of the show's fourth season. Written by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, and directed by Henry J. Bronchtein, it originally aired on October 13, 2002. (en)
«Пирожок» (англ. «Pie-O-My») — сорок четвёртый эпизод телесериала канала HBO «Клан Сопрано» и пятый в четвёртом сезоне шоу. Сценарий написали Робин Грин и Митчелл Бёрджесс, режиссёром стал , а премьера состоялась 13 октября 2002 года. (ru)