| - سانت جون داكر (بالإنجليزية: Ptolemais in Phoenicia) أو (بالفرنسية: Saint-Jean-d'Acre) هو الأسم القديم لعكا أيام حكم الصليبيين لها حين سقطت في 1104 م. بقيت كذلك حتى فتحها المماليك في 1291. (ar)
- Ptolemais was an ancient port city on the Canaanite coast in the region of Palestine, in the location of the present-day city of Acre, Israel. It was also called Ptolemais in Canaan (or Akko, Ake, or Akre in Canaanite Language). It was an Ancient bishopric, which became a double Catholic titular see. In the Middle Ages, it was known as Acre amongst some Western European crusaders, who started a new, militantly Latin chapter there. (en)
- Ptolemais adalah sebuah kota pelabuhan kuno di pantai . Kota tersebut juga disebut Ptolemais di Foenisia (atau Akko, Ake, atau Akre dalam ). Kota tersebut adalah sebuah keuskupan kuno, yang menjadi Katolik ganda. Pada Abad Pertengahan, kota tersebut dikenal sebagai Acre di kalangan pasukan Perang Salib Eropa Barat (in)
- Tolemaide (in greco antico: Πτολεμαΐς, Ptolemaís), nota come Tolemaide di Fenicia, era un'antica città della Fenicia, situata nei pressi dell'attuale città israeliana di Acri. In epoca cristiana è stata anche sede episcopale come diocesi di Tolemaide di Fenicia, mentre attualmente è una sede vescovile titolare. (it)