| - Queenstown-Lakes District je distrikt v regionu Otago na Jižním ostrově Nového Zélandu. Centrum distriktu je město Queenstown, distrikt zahrnuje také města Wanaka na severovýchodě, Glenorchy na severozápadě a Kingston na jihu. Distrikt zahrnuje jezera Lake Wakatipu, a , která jsou spolu s ostatními menšími jezery nazývány . Sousedí s distrikty , , a . Podle sčítání lidu z roku 2013 měl distrikt 28 224 obyvatel. (cs)
- Der Queenstown-Lakes District ist eine zur Region Otago gehörende Verwaltungseinheit in Neuseeland. Der Rat des Distrikts, Queenstown-Lakes District Council (Distriktrat) genannt, hat seinen Sitz in der Stadt Queenstown, ebenso wie die Verwaltung des Distrikts. (de)
- Queenstown-Lakes District, a local government district, is in the Otago Region of New Zealand that was formed in 1986. It is surrounded by the districts of Central Otago, Southland, Westland and Waitaki. Much of the area is often referred to as Queenstown because of the popularity of the resort town, but the district covers a much wider area, including the towns of Wānaka to the north-east, Glenorchy to the north-west and Kingston to the south. The district is sometimes called the Southern Lakes, as it contains Lake Wakatipu, Lake Wānaka and Lake Hāwea. (en)
- Il distretto di Queenstown Lakes è un'autorità territoriale della Nuova Zelanda che si trova entro i confini della regione di Otago, nell'Isola del Sud. La sede del Consiglio distrettuale si trova nella città di Queenstown. Il territorio del distretto si estende quasi completamente sulla catena montuosa delle Alpi meridionali ed è costellato di numerosi laghi. Su uno dei maggiori, il , sorge il capoluogo, Queenstown. (it)
- Queenstown-Lakes District är en territoriell myndighet i regionen Otago i södra Nya Zeeland. Queenstown är administrativt centrum och distriktet hade 39 153 invånare vid folkräkningen 2018. Distriktets största stad är Queenstown med cirka 16 000 invånare, följt av Wanaka med runt 9 500. Andra större orter är Arrowtown och . (sv)