RIM-85 was a short-lived project by the United States Navy to develop a surface-to-air missile for the defense of naval vessels. Developed during the late 1960s, the project was cancelled before the start of detailed design work.
RIM-85 merupakan sebuah proyek singkat oleh Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat untuk mengembangkan rudal permukaan-ke-udara untuk pertahanan kapal angkatan laut. Dikembangkan selama akhir 1960-an, proyek ini dibatalkan sebelum dimulainya pekerjaan desain rinci. (in)
RIM-85 was a short-lived project by the United States Navy to develop a surface-to-air missile for the defense of naval vessels. Developed during the late 1960s, the project was cancelled before the start of detailed design work. (en)
Il progetto RIM-85 fu un tentativo della Marina degli Stati Uniti d'America di sviluppare un missile terra-aria per la difesa delle navi militari. La progettazione ebbe inizio negli anni sessanta, ma fu cancellata prima dell'inizio di un design tecnico dettagliato. (it)
RIM-85 merupakan sebuah proyek singkat oleh Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat untuk mengembangkan rudal permukaan-ke-udara untuk pertahanan kapal angkatan laut. Dikembangkan selama akhir 1960-an, proyek ini dibatalkan sebelum dimulainya pekerjaan desain rinci. (in)
RIM-85 was a short-lived project by the United States Navy to develop a surface-to-air missile for the defense of naval vessels. Developed during the late 1960s, the project was cancelled before the start of detailed design work. (en)
Il progetto RIM-85 fu un tentativo della Marina degli Stati Uniti d'America di sviluppare un missile terra-aria per la difesa delle navi militari. La progettazione ebbe inizio negli anni sessanta, ma fu cancellata prima dell'inizio di un design tecnico dettagliato. (it)