| - Raymond W. Field (* 24. Mai 1944 in Dublin) ist ein irischer römisch-katholischer Geistlicher und emeritierter Weihbischof im Erzbistum Dublin. (de)
- رايموند فيلد (بالإنجليزية: Raymond Field) هو كاهن كاثوليكي أيرلندي، ولد في 24 مايو 1944 في دبلن في جمهورية أيرلندا. (ar)
- Raymond Field (ur. 24 maja 1944 w Dublinie) – irlandzki duchowny rzymskokatolicki, w latach 1997–2019 biskup pomocniczy Dublinu. (pl)
- Raymond W. Field KC*HS (born 24 May 1944), is a retired Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin, Ireland. Born in Dublin, County Dublin, he was educated at O'Connell's CBS, and went to Clonliffe College where he ordained a priest on 17 May 1970 for his home diocese. He also trained as a barrister studying at the King's Inns and was called to the Irish bar he was also called to the English bar. He was also a member of the first successful Irish expedition to Mount Everest in 1993 with Dawson Stelfox. He retired on 28 June 2019. (en)
- Raymond W. Field (24 de maio de 1944) é um ministro católico romano irlandês e bispo auxiliar emérito da Arquidiocese de Dublin. Raymond Field foi ordenado sacerdote para a Arquidiocese de Dublin em 17 de maio de 1970. Em 28 de maio de 1997, o Papa João Paulo II o nomeou Bispo auxiliar em Dublin e Bispo Titular de Árd Mór. O arcebispo de Dublin, Desmond Connell, o consagrou bispo em 21 de setembro do mesmo ano. Co-consagradores foram o Núncio Apostólico na Irlanda, Arcebispo , e o Bispo de Ossory, . Em 27 de junho de 2019, o Papa Francisco aceitou a aposentadoria de Fields. (pt)