| - Rush Replay X 3 is a DVD box set of three separate filmed concert presentations by the Canadian band Rush, released on June 13, 2006. The three shows presented are Exit... Stage Left, Grace Under Pressure Tour, and A Show of Hands, which were originally released individually in 1982, 1985, and 1989 respectively on VHS and Laserdisc. For Replay X 3, each filmed concert has been remixed in 5.1 surround sound by Rush guitarist and co-producer Alex Lifeson. The box set also includes a previously unreleased CD audio version of the Grace Under Pressure Tour video, and a set of reprinted tour books for each concert [1]. (en)
- Rush Replay X 3 tiga presentasi konser terpisah difilmkan oleh band Kanada Rush, dirilis pada tanggal 13 Juni 2006. Ketiga pertunjukkan yang disajikan adalah Exit...Stage Left, Grace Under Pressure Tour, dan A Show of Hands, yang awalnya dirilis secara terpisah pada tahun 1982, 1985, dan 1989 masing-masing pada VHS dan Laserdisc. Untuk Replay X 3, setiap konser yang difilmkan telah di remix pada surround sound 5.1 oleh gitaris Rush dan co-produser Alex Lifeson. Box Set juga mencakup versi sebelumnya yang belum pernah dirilis pada CD audio dari Grace Under Pressure Tour video, dan satu set buku tur dicetak ulang untuk setiap konser rush-boxes-up vintage konser-video. Rush Replay X 3 debut di # 1 tangga lagu Billboard Music Video, menjadikannya rilis ketiga DVD Rush berturut-turut mencapai # (in)
- Rush Replay X 3 è un cofanetto, pubblicato il 13 giugno 2006, che include 3 video concerto in versione DVD della rock band canadese Rush già distribuiti in precedenza esclusivamente come VHS e laserdisc: Exit...Stage Left, derivato dal concerto tenutosi presso il The Forum di Montréal (Canada) il 27 marzo 1981; Grace Under Pressure Tour catturato durante la data del 21 settembre 1984 al Maple Leaf Gardens di Toronto (Canada); e A Show of Hands, derivato dalle date del 21, 23, 24 aprile 1988 di Birmingham (Regno Unito). (it)