| - Die Russian Five war eine Gruppe von fünf russischen Eishockeyprofis, die in den 1990er Jahren bei den Detroit Red Wings gespielt haben. Die Gruppe bestand aus Sergei Fjodorow (C), Igor Larionow (RF), Wjatscheslaw Koslow (LF), Wladimir Konstantinow (V) und Wjatscheslaw Fetissow (V). Kurz vor dem Ende der Transferperiode 1998 verpflichtete das Team den russischen Verteidiger Dmitri Mironow. Mit ihm wurde "Russian Five II" gegründet, eine weniger erfolgreiche Variante mit Fjodorow, Larionow, Koslow, Fetissow und Mironow. (de)
- Russian Five, Red Army edo The Big Red Machine, euskaraz Bost Errusiarrak, Armada Gorria edo Makina Gorri Handia, 1994-1998 artean, AEBetako NHLko Detroit Red Wings taldean jokatutako , , , eta errusiar izotz hockey jokalariek jaso zuten ezizena da. Aurrez, 1980ko hamarkadan, eta ia garaitezinean jokatuak ziren. Ondoren, 1991ko Sobietar Batasunaren desegitearekin batera AEBetara Amerikar ametsa betetzera joan ziren. Honela, bost errusiarrek 1997ko Stanley Cup txapelketa nagusitasun osoz irabaztea lortu zuten. (eu)
- The Russian Five was the nickname given to the unit of five Russian ice hockey players from the Soviet Union that played for the Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League in the 1990s. The five players were Sergei Fedorov, Vladimir Konstantinov, Slava Kozlov, Slava Fetisov, and Igor Larionov. Three of the players were drafted by the Red Wings in 1989 and 1990, and their defections from the Soviet Union were aided by the Wings. The last two were acquired via trades from the New Jersey Devils and San Jose Sharks. Red Wings coach Scotty Bowman played the five together as a unit at times from October 1995 to June 1997, but also mixed and matched them with other teammates. (en)