Ryan’s Fancy was an Irish folk music group active from 1971–1983. The band consisted of multi-instrumentalists Denis Ryan, Fergus O'Byrne, and Dermot O'Reilly, all of whom were Irish immigrants to Canada.
Ryan's Fancy kanadar-irlandar folk musika talde bat izan zen. Bere ibilbidea 1969-1983 bitartean luzatu zen eta Kanadan ezagututako hiru irlandar emigranteek osatu zuten: Fergus O'Byrne, Dermot O'Reilly eta Denis Ryan. (eu)
Ryan’s Fancy was an Irish folk music group active from 1971–1983. The band consisted of multi-instrumentalists Denis Ryan, Fergus O'Byrne, and Dermot O'Reilly, all of whom were Irish immigrants to Canada. (en)
I Ryan's Fancy sono stati un gruppo musicale irlandese attivo dal 1969 al 1983, i cui membri erano tutti immigrati irlandesi in Canada. (it)