Shaktimaan is an Indian Hindi-language superhero television show, created by Mukesh Khanna that aired on DD National from 13 September 1997 to 27 March 2005. Producer Mukesh Khanna played the role of Shaktimaan and his alter ego "Pandit Gangadhar Vidhyadhar Mayadhar Omkarnath Shastri", a photographer for the newspaper Aaj Ki Aawaz. Shaktimaan was depicted as a human who has attained superhuman powers through meditation and five elements of nature: Space, Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Kitu Gidwani (later replaced by Vaishnavi Mahant) played the role of Geeta Vishwas, a reporter who loves Shaktimaan. Surendra Pal played the role of Tamraj Kilvish. The show was followed by Shaktimaan: The Animated Series in 2011, and a television film titled Hamara Hero Shaktimaan in 2013.