| - Simon von Cramaud (* um 1345 in bei Rochechouart; † 19. Januar 1423 in Poitiers oder 15. Dezember 1422) war ein Jurist, Diplomat, Kirchenpolitiker und Pseudokardinal (Titelkirche: San Lorenzo in Lucina). Im Konzil von Pisa (1409) war er Vorsitzender und beantragte die Absetzung der Päpste Benedikt XIII. und Gregor XII. (de)
- Simon de Cramaud, né près de Rochechouart dans le Limousin et mort le 19 janvier 1423, fut un évêque catholique, patriarche latin d'Alexandrie et cardinal durant le Grand Schisme d'Occident. (fr)
- Simone di Cramaud, (Simon de Cramaud) (Cramaud, 1345 circa – Poitiers, 15 dicembre 1422), è stato un cardinale e arcivescovo cattolico francese, vissuto durante il periodo del grande scisma d'Occidente.Creato (pseudo) cardinale dall'antipapa Giovanni XXIII, venne poi confermato nella carica da papa Martino V. (it)
- Simon de Cramaud (c. 1345 – 19 January 1423, in Poitiers) was a Catholic bishop, titular Latin Patriarch of Alexandria, and cardinal during the Great Western Schism of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. His treatise De substraccione obediencie (1397), offering multiple lines of reasoning for bringing the Schism to an end, was edited by Howard Kaminsky in 1984. Simon argued that Benedict's followers could withdraw obedience to compel him to seek a solution to the Schism. (en)