| - Solomon Stoddard (* 27. September 1643 in Boston (Massachusetts Bay Colony); † 11. Februar 1729 in Northampton (Province of Massachusetts Bay)) war ein neuenglischer kongregationalistischer Prediger. Im September 1673 wurde er in der kongregationalistischen Gemeinde von Northampton ordiniert, wo er bis zum Februar 1727 diente. (de)
- 솔로몬 스토다드(Solomon Stoddard; 1643-1729)는 매사추세츠만 식민지의 노스햄튼 타운에서 회중교회의 목회자였다. '코네티컷강의 청교도 교황'으로 불릴 정도로 지역에 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. 조나단 에드워즈의 조부로 그에게 많은 영향을 미쳤다. 그의 사망후 조나단 에드워즈가 같은 교회를 섬겼다. 하버드 대학교의 최초 도서관장이었다. 그의 영향력에 강하게 반대한 사람들은 인크리스 매더와 코튼 매더였다. (ko)
- Solomon Stoddard (ur. 27 września 1643, zm. 11 lutego 1729) – pastor kongregacjonistyczny w kolonii Massachusetts. Zastąpił na tym stanowisku wielebnego Eleazera Mathera i około 1670 ożenił się z wdową po nim. Ukończył Harvard College i został w nim bibliotekarzem. Od 1669 wygłaszał kazania. Był dziadkiem purytańskiego teologa Jonathana Edwardsa. Jednym z jego potomków był podróznik, reportażysta i wykładowca John Lawson Stoddard. (pl)
- Salomon Stoddard (Boston, 27 september 1643 – 11 februari 1729) was de predikant van de congregationalistische Kerk in Northampton. Hij was de grootvader van de bekende puritein Jonathan Edwards. Stoddard was de eerste bibliothecaris van Harvard University en de eerste persoon in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis die onder die titel bekend stond. Hij stond bekend als de Puriteinse paus van de Connecticut vallei. (nl)
- Solomon Stoddard (September 27, 1643, baptized October 1, 1643 – February 11, 1729) was the pastor of the Congregationalist Church in Northampton, Massachusetts Bay Colony. He succeeded Rev. Eleazer Mather, and later married his widow around 1670. Stoddard significantly liberalized church policy while promoting more power for the clergy, decrying drinking and extravagance, and urging the preaching of hellfire and the Judgment. The major religious leader of what was then the frontier, he was known as the "Puritan Pope of the Connecticut River valley" and was concerned with the lives (and the souls) of second-generation Puritans. The well-known theologian Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) was his grandson, the son of Solomon's daughter, Esther Stoddard Edwards. Stoddard was the first librarian at (en)