In geometry, a square trisection is a type of dissection problem which consists of cutting a square into pieces that can be rearranged to form three identical squares.
La trisection du carré consiste à découper un carré en plusieurs morceaux de manière à reconstituer par assemblage des pièces obtenues, trois carrés de surfaces identiques. (fr)
In geometry, a square trisection is a type of dissection problem which consists of cutting a square into pieces that can be rearranged to form three identical squares. (en)
La trisection du carré consiste à découper un carré en plusieurs morceaux de manière à reconstituer par assemblage des pièces obtenues, trois carrés de surfaces identiques. (fr)
In geometry, a square trisection is a type of dissection problem which consists of cutting a square into pieces that can be rearranged to form three identical squares. (en)