The St. Stephen Cathedral is a Byzantine Catholic (Ruthenian) cathedral located in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. It is the cathedral for the Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix.
The St. Stephen Cathedral is a Byzantine Catholic (Ruthenian) cathedral located in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. It is the cathedral for the Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix. (en)
La cattedrale di Santo Stefano (in inglese: St. Stephen Cathedral) è la cattedrale cattolica rutena di Phoenix, in Arizona, e sede dell'eparchia della Santa Protezione di Maria di Phoenix. (it)
La Catedral de San Esteban o alternativamente Catedral católica bizantina de Phoenix (en inglés: St. Stephen Cathedral) es una catedral católica de rito bizantina (ruteno), ubicada en Phoenix, Arizona, Estados Unidos. Es la catedral de la eparquía de Santa María del Patrocinio en Phoenix. (es)